As digitally savvy citizens of the internet, your customers are impatient when their customer journeys through your organization are populated with complex, manual and paper-based touchpoints and interactions. Transform your organization into a connected and agile enterprise that digitizes entire customer journeys, those beginning-to-end processes that customers experience in getting the product or service they need, through whichever channels they choose.
The biggest barrier to delivering extraordinary customer interactions that drive business growth is the digitization your customers expect but that you cannot currently offer. True digital transformation isn’t simply upgrading old technology; it bridges gaps between systems, silos, processes and people to deliver a simple and intuitive customer experience from the first moment of contact, accelerating important customer journeys to a positive outcome.
Proximity Marketing:
Leveraging proximity sensor technologies to deliver highly personalized customer experience is the next frontier of digital marketing. In-the-moment marketing is very effective when done with the correct context of location and time. It is therefore important for brands to understand the customer, locate them, and, deliver relavant marketing messgaes for maximum campaign effectiveness.
Happiest Mind Proximity Marketing solution transforms the retail in- store experience by providing intelligence and tools that enable brands to make well-informed business decisions. Leveraging beacons technology, our solutions help boost in-store traffic, understand customer preferences, increase customer loyalty, analyse product performance statistics in real-time, and enhance customer engagements. We empower brands to:
- Integrate data gathered by in-store beacons and sensors to derive actionable insights and create a comprehensive customer profile.
- Perform a compact review of store performance, sales, and customer behaviour using comprehensive analytics platform.
- Send unique and personalized messages to the customers at the right place and at the right time.
- Track and analyze path to purchase to optimize communications and boost conversions.
- Enable two way interaction with customers for maximum impact and to create best in class customer experience
Our deep-rooted retail experience, best practices, and proven solutions help brands to create flexible platforms and custom applications that enhance and simplify the complete retail business.
- Enhanced Shopping Experience: In-store Beacons provide ‘on the spot’ personalized offers, coupons, and rewards for the customers, which inspires customer action.
- Customer Convenience: On the spot personalized offers diverts the customer attention away from competitors when they likely have purchase intent. Customers will appreciate receiving a discount or loyalty reward, or engage in coupon redemption for product purchase even if they have no initial solid plans to purchase it.
- Customer Intelligence: Beacon-enabled apps collect data on customers’ shopping preferences and spending habits thereby enabling retailers to create more personalized and targeted offers.
- Competitive: Beacons will add synergy to existing marketing campaigns and create competitiveness advantage.

Enable an omnichannel experience for customers with new levels of engagement, self-service and collaboration

Simplify and automate a labyrinth of manual business processes to realize operational and compliance savings

Increase the efficiency of interactions and reduce cycle times with intelligent business processes to drive growth.

Leverage the power of near real-time content and process data analytics to achieve proactive operational excellence
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